Empathy - the key to accommodating an International student

Dear Host,

On behalf of Homestay Australia , we would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for acceptance of our students.

The primary reason for this email is to thank you for kindly joining us in welcoming our students to Australia and more specifically, your home. We acknowledge, not only are you providing a roof over their head, you are providing a happy and safe home environment; a new ‘family-like’ comfort zone.

Many international students struggle with the cultural transition and being away from their families. More often than not, this is a first time experience for most students.

As our students are here to learn English, we strongly encourage you to communicate with our student in English only, in a friendly and patient manner.  Remembering that English is not the first language, please expect the odd language barrier and possible cultural differences that can take some adjustment time.

Through experience, we find that reading through a set of reasonable house rules with the student, with a warm smile, works best. We understand sometimes, what is acceptable in one culture is very different to that of the Australian culture. On this note, please be mindful about provision of food – instant noodles and nachos, for example, are considered snacks. Whichever method you choose to create a positive and harmonious ambience within your home, we trust you will make our students feel welcome.

Please remember we offer our unlimited support to you. If you encounter any issues you feel needs addressing, please do not hesitate to contact Homestay Australia who will escalate the matter. An open communication loop is absolutely welcomed.

Lastly, we truly hope that your Homestay placements are just as rewarding for you as it is for the student. Homestay Australia believes that cultural exchange is a wonderful trade and we thank you again for opening your door and your hearts.

Many thanks!

Homestay Australia.


Child Safety


Host Terms and Conditions

Homestay Host Visits

Homestay Payments

Hosting Students U18 years




Student Advises Departure

Critical Incident Reporting

ATO Homestay Ruling


Homestay Australia Pty Ltd































